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potrebujete pôžičku? Máte záujem o pôžičku? Alebo sa bojíte finančne? Ste povinní zaplatiť? Ponúkame pôžičky do všetkých miest na svete. Úroková sadzba úveru je 2% s dohodnutým termínom bez ohľadu na lokalitu alebo stav úveru. Ako získať kredit ešte dnes Kontaktujte nás na našej e-mailovej adrese: POZNÁMKA: Ponúkame pôžičky od 50 000 do 30 miliónov. Žiadosť o pôžičku je možné podať aj v EURO a v akejkoľvek inej mene. Kontaktujte nás: Sme vám k dispozícii pre váš úver. Ďakujem veľmi pekne, čakám na rýchlu odpoveď. lendingtree Vedúci oddelenia spolupráce
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Ponuka pôžičky vážnym ľuďom:
Fabiánová Slávka , 4. 1. 2022 12:02
Ponuka pôžičky vážnym ľuďom:
Dobrý deň pán / pani
Som fyzická osoba zo Slovenska, ekonomický subjekt, nie zahraničný podvodník. Ponúkam vám možnosť získať pôžičku pre každú serióznu osobu, ktorá mi dokáže splatiť. Ak sa cítite v núdzi alebo máte problém s peniazmi, môžem vám poskytnúť čiastku 1 000 až 100 000 eur so sadzbou 2%, krátkodobé a dlhodobé pôžičky, moje podmienky sú veľmi jasné a jednoduché. Ak to nemyslíš vážne, nezostaň.
Kontaktujte ma na mojej emailovej adrese a ja vám pošlem podrobnejšie podmienky:
KEL CHAMBERS, 3. 1. 2022 10:06
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Lewis Emmett, 3. 1. 2022 9:42
Have you been defrauded by deceptive Bitcoin traders? Or are you seeking to recover funds you lost on telegram accounts to take over hackers/rippers?. I personally will recommend no one other than WIZARDBRIXTON@GMAIL.COM
This is the least I could do for you after they saved my life by helping me recover up to 3.966BTC in less than two weeks from an online ripper lately. I got referred to them via my colleague at work, they also helped his spouse recover tokens and coins lost to scams. I'm glad I got in contact with this specialist because I would have most likely fallen victim to another online fraudster all in the name of them trying to help me. I owe these people a lot because it is so hard to see legit help online. Are you having similar issues with your BTC Wallet, Don't get scammed by these online fraudsters, contact WIZARDBRIXTON@GMAIL.COM WhatsApp : (+1- /807-23 ) 4-0428 ;) they are the most efficient and most trusted recovery experts on here
Lewis Emmett, 3. 1. 2022 9:41
Have you been defrauded by deceptive Bitcoin traders? Or are you seeking to recover funds you lost on telegram accounts to take over hackers/rippers?. I personally will recommend no one other than WIZARDBRIXTON@GMAIL.COM
This is the least I could do for you after they saved my life by helping me recover up to 3.966BTC in less than two weeks from an online ripper lately. I got referred to them via my colleague at work, they also helped his spouse recover tokens and coins lost to scams. I'm glad I got in contact with this specialist because I would have most likely fallen victim to another online fraudster all in the name of them trying to help me. I owe these people a lot because it is so hard to see legit help online. Are you having similar issues with your BTC Wallet, Don't get scammed by these online fraudsters, contact WIZARDBRIXTON@GMAIL.COM WhatsApp : (+1- /807-23 ) 4-0428 ;) they are the most efficient and most trusted recovery experts here
Lewis Emmett, 3. 1. 2022 9:40
Have you been defrauded by deceptive Bitcoin traders? Or are you seeking to recover funds you lost on telegram accounts to take over hackers/rippers?. I personally will recommend no one other than WIZARDBRIXTON@GMAIL.COM
This is the least I could do for you after they saved my life by helping me recover up to 3.966BTC in less than two weeks from an online ripper lately. I got referred to them via my colleague at work, they also helped his spouse recover tokens and coins lost to scams. I'm glad I got in contact with this specialist because I would have most likely fallen victim to another online fraudster all in the name of them trying to help me. I owe these people a lot because it is so hard to see legit help online. Are you having similar issues with your BTC Wallet, Don't get scammed by these online fraudsters, contact WIZARDBRIXTON@GMAIL.COM WhatsApp : (+1- /807-23 ) 4-0428 ;) they are the most efficient and most trusted recovery experts here
paulette kestelman, 2. 1. 2022 1:03
It's A Great Year to start with Great Ambitions,fulfill dreams and strive through Greater Heights. But you have to be careful not to fall victims of Online Scams.
If you have been a VICTIM,
Cell number-: +1 (502) 482-3528
barneshack9 @ gmail. com OR kelchambers60 @ gmail. com for Directives.
Here, It's always a win for you.
Without any Reasonable doubts, it is no News that BARNESHACK INTEL offers one of the best Hacking Services World Wide.
BARNESHACK CONFIRMS WORK done before Service is paid. Excellent Customer Service AND A 100% Guarantee.
All rights reserved.
Copyright© 2022 Privacy Policy.
Sorina Jeffery, 31. 12. 2021 9:23Are you looking for money to develop your company? Hello, you are looking for a loan, Have you refused a loan from a bank or other financial company? Do you have to pay to pay for your factories, buy a house, or consolidate? Do you want to have your own business and need help? Contact us for a quick (Whats App) number: +919394133968 Mr Sorina Jeffery
mathew felix, 30. 12. 2021 20:21
I am the sole (Direct) mandate to several genuine efficient providers for lease/sales BG/ SBLC and other financial instruments, at reasonable prices, Issuance by top AAA rated Bank in Europe.Presently, we focus on BG/SBLC for Lease and Sale transactions, However, our Lease BG/SBLC/MTN is 3+1% and Sale at 30%+1%.
Should you find this interesting and acceptable? Kindly, contact us and we shall review and respond with DOA within 48hrs maximum.
Please request for full procedure details if interested.(WE MOVE FIRST)
For further inquiry contact:
Contact us for further
mathew felix, 29. 12. 2021 21:54
I am the sole (Direct) mandate to several genuine efficient providers for lease/sales BG/ SBLC and other financial instruments, at reasonable prices, Issuance by top AAA rated Bank in Europe.Presently, we focus on BG/SBLC for Lease and Sale transactions, However, our Lease BG/SBLC/MTN is 3+1% and Sale at 30%+1%.
Should you find this interesting and acceptable? Kindly, contact us and we shall review and respond with DOA within 48hrs maximum.
Please request for full procedure details if interested.(WE MOVE FIRST)
For further inquiry contact:
Contact us for further
Získejte urgentní půjčku
Josef Kupka, 29. 12. 2021 17:28
Půjčky pro každého.
Dobrý den, Půjčka nabízí za přijatelnou úrokovou sazbu 2 %. Mnoho bank vás odmítlo. Potřebujete financovat konsolidaci dluhu? Potřebujete financování, které pomůže vašemu podnikání vrátit se zpět? Zájemcům poskytuji půjčky za velmi rozumnou úrokovou sazbu 2%. V případě zájmu mě kontaktujte na e-mailu:
Mohammed, 28. 12. 2021 16:08
My name is Mohammed Ahsan I'm a financial Consultant of a reputable firm Operating out of the United Kingdom
we provide Discrete Financial, Services for High Net Worth CEO's/Executives of Corporation & Senior Government Officials globally.
What we do is Legal & within the ambit of the law but following the Leakage of the Infamous United Kingdom
Papers & subsequent threat by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)
International Criminal Court (ICC)
Below is what my Sender can offer.
1, MT103 gpi automatic
2, MT103 wire transfer
3, MT103 TT
4, MT103/202 manual download
5, SBLC lease and Purchase
All bank instrument will be done via bank officer to bank officer, Receiver has to provide bank officer details
on DOA all brokers are welcome and guarantee of there payment after successful deal
kindly send me a message via email and WhatsApp.
WhatsApp- +19893413179
Bezpečná nabídka do 24 hodin
Sestra Maria, 28. 12. 2021 15:26
Jsem sestra Maria , akcionář a finanční operátor.
Moje kapacita pro poskytování úvěrů je 60 000 Kč až 5 000 000 Kč s přiměřenou sazbou 2 % po dobu 06 měsíců až 300 měsíců, velmi jednoduché podmínky. Potřebujete půjčku, abyste mohli vymazat své dluhy, zaplatit účty nebo vytvořit projekt, náš úvěrové nabídky poskytuje banka pro zabezpečení transakce jakékoli osobě.
Mohammed, 27. 12. 2021 23:24
We are a trade finance company that uses our own credit lines to facilitate the issuance of financial guarantees like BG, SBLC, DLC and more. If our services will be of help to you, let us know so we can guide you with our process.
Mobile | WhatsApp: +19893413179
Peňažný dar
Gunter-Klaus Pirntke, 27. 12. 2021 18:06
V prvom rade by som sa mal predstaviť, pán Gunter-Klaus Pirntke, zo zdravotných dôvodov žijem v Nemecku. Bývalý asistent na oddelení finančných záležitostí taliansko-tuniskej spoločnosti na ťažbu ropy (SAF-SITEP) francúzskeho pôvodu, kde som pôsobil 9 rokov. Po dlhom uvažovaní som sa rozhodol poslať vám tento list.Veľmi by som chcel, nie váš sprostredkovateľ, investovať do humanitárnej.Trpím nevyliečiteľnou chorobou,ktorá je dokonca v terminálnej fáze,prezradila výsledok mojich rôznych analýz podľa môjho doktora Jeana LEDORCQ.
Práve s ohľadom na môj zdravotný stav som sa rozhodol investovať do humanitárnej pomoci pre znevýhodnené deti.
Mojím projektom je vložiť do vášho vlastníctva sumu okolo 250 000 eur len za účelom pomoci ľuďom v núdzi. Mojím želaním vždy bolo pomáhať, všímať si životné podmienky iných, no s mojou momentálnou situáciou nemôžem urobiť absolútne nič. Ako sa hovorí v 2. Korinťanom 9:7-8 (každý musí dať to, pre čo sa rozhodol vo svojom srdci, bez smútku a obmedzení, pretože Boh miluje toho, kto dáva s radosťou a Boh je schopný urobiť pre vás všetky druhy milostí, takže že vo všetkom, v každom čase, vo všetkom, čo potrebuješ, ťa opustí vo všetkých dobrých skutkoch. Moja radosť by bola veľká, keby si mohol pokračovať v mojich humanitárnych prácach. Budem preto rád, že ti môžem odkázať túto sumu a nebudem žiadať nič iné, iba že mi sľúbite, že vykonáte tieto práce, keď ich budete mať.
Okrem iného tu sú svojím spôsobom rôzne diela, ktoré sú môjmu srdcu blízke, teda diela, ktoré by som chcel, aby ste prostredníctvom tohto daru vykonali.
-Poskytovať pomoc zdravotne postihnutým všetkých druhov
-Poskytovať pomoc sirotám
- Pomoc vdovám
Vymenoval som jeho rôzne názory, pretože toto sú veci, ktoré ma najviac znepokojovali v tomto nedokonalom svete alebo v čomkoľvek, čo radšej nechávalo svoje peniaze na bankových účtoch, kým nezomreli. Nie som tým správnym človekom, kvôli ktorému som vás oslovil. Počítal som s vami, aby tento projekt uzrel svetlo sveta. Mojou modlitbou vždy bolo stretnúť niekoho dobromyseľného, zodpovedného, niekoho, kto má dušu citlivú na biedne podmienky obyvateľov tohto sveta a myslím si, že práve vy ste tento človek, ktorého tak veľmi hľadáte, pretože je to Božia prozreteľnosť. čo ma smeruje k tebe. Ešte raz moja radosť bude veľká, ak prijmete moju ponuku. Prosím, odpovedzte na moju e-mailovú adresu nižšie.
Nech vás žehná Pán
Darca: Gunter-Klaus Pirntke
samri-nazeer, 27. 12. 2021 15:01
We have direct and efficient providers of Bank Guarantee (BG’s), Insurance Guarantees,Confirmable Bank Drafts, Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC) medium term note (MTN) and Third Party Guarantees. which are specifically for sell/lease at leasing price of 4+2% /32+2% for selling price.
If you are a potential Investor or principal looking to raise capital, we will be happy to answer any questions that you have about this opportunity and to provide you with details regarding these services.
Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, by providing you with yearly renewable leased bank instruments. We work directly with the providers of these instruments.
1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG) or Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC)
2. Total Face Value: Euro/USD 100,000.00 – Euro/USD 50,000,000,000.00
3. Issuing Bank: HSBC Bank London, Barclays Bank London, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt etc.
4. Age: One Year and One Day (With the option of Rolls and Extension)
5. Leasing Fee: 4% + 2% [negociable]
6. Delivery: Bank to Bank Swift MT799 and/or MT760
7. Payment: MT103
8. Hard Copy: By Bank Bonded Courier within 7 banking days after delivery of Swift.
Contact: Name: SAMRI NAZEER
samri-nazeer, 27. 12. 2021 15:00
We have direct and efficient providers of Bank Guarantee (BG’s), Insurance Guarantees,Confirmable Bank Drafts, Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC) medium term note (MTN) and Third Party Guarantees. which are specifically for sell/lease at leasing price of 4+2% /32+2% for selling price.
If you are a potential Investor or principal looking to raise capital, we will be happy to answer any questions that you have about this opportunity and to provide you with details regarding these services.
Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, by providing you with yearly renewable leased bank instruments. We work directly with the providers of these instruments.
1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG) or Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC)
2. Total Face Value: Euro/USD 100,000.00 – Euro/USD 50,000,000,000.00
3. Issuing Bank: HSBC Bank London, Barclays Bank London, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt etc.
4. Age: One Year and One Day (With the option of Rolls and Extension)
5. Leasing Fee: 4% + 2% [negociable]
6. Delivery: Bank to Bank Swift MT799 and/or MT760
7. Payment: MT103
8. Hard Copy: By Bank Bonded Courier within 7 banking days after delivery of Swift.
Contact: Name: SAMRI NAZEER
Ponuka pôžičky vážnym ľuďom:
Fabiánová Slávka , 27. 12. 2021 11:43
Ponuka pôžičky vážnym ľuďom:
Dobrý deň pán / pani
Som fyzická osoba zo Slovenska, ekonomický subjekt, nie zahraničný podvodník. Ponúkam vám možnosť získať pôžičku pre každú serióznu osobu, ktorá mi dokáže splatiť. Ak sa cítite v núdzi alebo máte problém s peniazmi, môžem vám poskytnúť čiastku 1 000 až 100 000 eur so sadzbou 2%, krátkodobé a dlhodobé pôžičky, moje podmienky sú veľmi jasné a jednoduché. Ak to nemyslíš vážne, nezostaň.
Kontaktujte ma na mojej emailovej adrese a ja vám pošlem podrobnejšie podmienky:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
ponuka pôžičky
lendingtree, 5. 1. 2022 9:09