Hobeln Platten, Prismen nach seinem Willen!
Holz, Holz, Dächer, Prismen, Platten. Willkommen in der DP sah WORK-Kosice weichen Kerngeschäft porez Protokolle für den Bau des Empfängers porez Holz (Kiefer, Lärche, Eiche, Buche, Esche).
Schneiden für Führungskräfte zu dokumentieren und die Nachfrage der Verbraucher (Prismen, Platten, Forst, spät ..). Und porez Standardlängen bei normalem Gebrauch (4m, 5m, 6m, 7m, 8m). Wenn ein Kunde braucht mehr Länge porez Länge von 15 m.
KONTAKT: KE - Šebastovce
Tel. 00421 905 497 378
0907 951 100
0905 934 570
- Schneiden getan gekickt Marken Wravor möglich porez 15 m in der Länge
und Dicke von 1100 mm. - Kann führen Sie die nachfolgende Verarbeitung von 100-mm Dicke der Ripper. - Wir sind gerade verarbeitet hranolovačke wo der Baum die Möglichkeit, bis zu 150 mm betragen wird. Sie können die Zeit verkürzen erforderlich.
Sprechen Deutsch
tel. 00421948490963
Bei größeren Bestellungen noch um 2,5%
PRISM 4,5,6M 189,61 EUR / M3
7M 199,61
8M 209,20
Nach 9M 13M + 10 EUR / m3
Bretter 4,5,6, M 189,61
7M nach 13 M + 10 EUR / m3
Lata 30x50 Meter für 199,21 € / M3
50x50 199
50x40 199
10x25 € 0,13 / BM
BOARDS - I.trieda 192 EUR / m3
II. Klasse von 157 182 EUR auf die Auswahl.
Die Preise sind um 1 m3 und über dem Dachstühle idividuálne Preisen.
Verkleidung: 11 mm - 4,80 € / 1 m2
15 mm - 6,00 bis 6,50 EUR / m2
19 mm - 7,50 bis 7,90 EUR / m2
Kiefer, Douglasie, Lärche
19 mm - 7,90 EUR / m2
Bars: 0,70 € / Meter
Etage: 25 mm - 8,90 EUR / m2
30 mm - Breite bis 15 cm - 9,70 EUR / m2
Kiefer, Douglasie:
25 9.30
28 9.60
30 9.90
Getrocknete Schnittholz (KVH) bis 6 m - 280 EUR / m3
Getrocknetes Holz von mehr als 10 m3 - 260 EUR / m3
ungeplante Platte 1 m3 - 173 EUR - 40 m2.
Pokiaľ chcete odpoveď s K O M E N T A R A musíte v časti Text: napísať vašu mailovú adresu.
Prehľad komentárov
Invest $ 6617 and get $ 37275 every month:
How to earn $ 8235 per week:
How to invest in Bitcoin $ 87638 - get a return of up to 9255%:, 17. 10. 2019 20:04Paid Studies: Earn $5948 Or Even more Per Week:
How to invest in Bitcoin $ 85997 - get a return of up to 7452%
RobertKen, 17. 10. 2019 17:26Paid Studies: Gain $9293 Or Even more Each week:
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How to earn on investments in Cryptocurrency from $ 5392 per day:, 13. 10. 2019 10:50Binary options + Cryptocurrency = $ 1382 per week:
How to invest in Cryptocurrency $ 69151 - get a return of up to 3819%:
How to invest in Cryptocurrency and receive from $ 1424 per day:, 12. 10. 2019 23:40Invest $ 4299 and get $ 26558 every month:
Philip James, 12. 10. 2019 22:59
We are exclusive agent to direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC, MTN Bonds, Bank draft and Loans which we have specifically for lease. We do not have any broker chain in this offer or get involved in Chauffer driven offers. We deliver with time and precision as set forth in the agreement. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs as well as in signature project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction of Dams, Bridges and any other turnkey project(s) etc.
1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG/SBLC) (Appendix A)
2. Total Face Value: Eur 5M MIN and Eur 10B MAX (Ten Billion USD) .
3. Issuing Bank: HSBC Bank London, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank Frankfurt.
4. Age: One Year, One Month
5. Leasing Price: 3% of Face Value plus 2% commission fees to brokers.
6. Delivery: Bank to Bank swift.
7. Payment: MT-103 or MT760
8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days.
The Leased Instruments includes: BG’ s, Insurance Guarantees, MTN, ( SBLC) Standby Letters of Credit and Third Party Guarantees such as a standby forward commitment to purchase or a standby loan. If you are a potential Investor or Principle looking to raise capital, we will be happy to answer any questions that you have about this opportunity and to provide you with all the details regarding this services.
Our BG/ SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing, please let me know if you are interested in any of our services, by providing you with yearly renewable leased bank instruments. We work directly with issuing bank lease providers, this Instrument can be monetized on your behalf for 100% funding.
We are ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days, if interested do not hesitate to contact me direct.
Philip James
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WE OFFER LEASE BG,SBLC AND MTN, 12. 10. 2019 11:03
We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC and MTN which are specifically for lease, our bank instrument can be engage in PPP Trading, Discounting, signature project (s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction of Dams, Bridges, Real Estate and all kind of projects. We do not have any broker chain in our offer or get involved in chauffer driven offers.
We deliver with time and precision as sethforth in the agreement. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable, below is our instrument description.
The procedure is very simple; the instrument will be reserved on euro clear to be verified by your bank, after verification an arrangement will be made for necessary bank documents and stock testing expenses, the cost of the Bank Guarantee will be paid after the delivery of the MT760,
1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG/SBLC) (Appendix A)
2. Total Face Value: Eur 5M MIN and Eur 10B MAX (Ten Billion USD).
3. Issuing Bank: HSBC Bank London, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank Frankfurt.
4. Age: One Year, One Month
5. Leasing Price: 6% of Face Value plus 2% commission fees to brokers.
6. Delivery: Bank to Bank swift.
7. Payment: MT-103 or MT760
8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days.
We are ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days, if interested do not hesitate to contact me direct.
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Dr. Jayden Martin, 11. 10. 2019 19:17
We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 15,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $10,000 to a maximum of $200 million.
Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Dr. Jayden Martin Home Loans is the answer. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Email ( Phone: +1 (929)277-5237
DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE? we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 2% JAYDEN MARTIN HOME LOANS, ( aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.
Our services include the following:
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We give you loan with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 30 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself in order for you not to be debt master or financial stress up, which is why you must contact us quickly for a solution to your financial problems. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. Email ( Phone: +1 (929)277-5237
NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Jayden Martin
+1 (929)277-5237
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.
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Dr. Jayden Martin, 11. 10. 2019 0:54
We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 15,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $10,000 to a maximum of $200 million.
Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Dr. Jayden Martin Home Loans is the answer. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Email ( Phone: +1 (929)277-5237
DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE? we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 2% JAYDEN MARTIN HOME LOANS, ( aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.
Our services include the following:
*Truck Loans
* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans
We give you loan with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 30 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself in order for you not to be debt master or financial stress up, which is why you must contact us quickly for a solution to your financial problems. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. Email ( Phone: +1 (929)277-5237
NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Jayden Martin
+1 (929)277-5237
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.
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Invest $ 8532 and get $ 15344 every month, 10. 10. 2019 23:42How to earn on investments in Bitcoin from $ 1287 per day:
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Dr. Jayden Martin, 10. 10. 2019 17:42
We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 15,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $10,000 to a maximum of $200 million.
Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Dr. Jayden Martin Home Loans is the answer. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Email ( Phone: +1 (929)277-5237
DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE? we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 2% JAYDEN MARTIN HOME LOANS, ( aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.
Our services include the following:
*Truck Loans
* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans
We give you loan with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 30 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself in order for you not to be debt master or financial stress up, which is why you must contact us quickly for a solution to your financial problems. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. Email ( Phone: +1 (929)277-5237
NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Jayden Martin
+1 (929)277-5237
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.
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Invest $ 7679 and get $ 23257 every month
RobertKen, 19. 10. 2019 11:59